MIB Account Signup Help

User Information

First Name

Up to 35 alpha characters. Use "special characters" (i.e., asterisk [*], hyphen [-], or apostrophe [']) for compound name delimiter. Special characters cannot be entered contiguously. The first name must begin and end with an alpha character. The character set "Unknown" is not allowed. Prefix or Suffix is not allowed.

Middle Name

Up to 35 alpha characters. No special characters are allowed.


Middle initial is acceptable.

Last Name

Up to 35 alpha characters. Use "special characters" (i.e., asterisk [*], hyphen [-], apostrophe ['], or space) for compound name delimiter. Special characters cannot be entered contiguously. The last name must begin and end with an alpha character. The character set "Unknown" is not allowed. Prefix or Suffix is not allowed.


Enter your company's complete telephone number. No dashes are accepted.


Enter e-mail address using Alpha numeric characters and special character ampersand (e.g., @).